Monday, June 26, 2017

Things You Will Understand If You've Been to Nicaragua

I've been thinking about some of the things I'm starting to get used to after being in Nicaragua for a while. I decided to write them down before I forget that this is not really the norm where I come from. If you can think of anything I've forgotten, please leave it in the comments section below.

-Instant coffee.

-Ketchup and Mayonnaise in a bag.

-English sauce.

- The realization that salsa is sauce and Pico de Gallo is salsa.

-The world's strongest laundry soap.

 -Floral scented poop tickets, you know what I''m talking about. I could do without these.

-Fake Oreos.

-Fried cheese that squeaks against your teeth.

-Milk in a box, from the shelf.

-Unrefrigerated eggs.


-Guava Jam in a bag.

-Pigs in sacs on a motorbike.

-Pelibueys on their backs in someones lap on a motorbike.

-Saying "Adios" as you pass someone on the street.

-Pink and white striped plastic bags used as luggage and for just about everything else.

-Sellers of bagged cotton candy that is attached to a wooden stick.

-Pink plastic bags used as rain boots.

-Plastic chairs, sore backs, and butt sweat.

-Walking, hiking, riding horseback in flip flops.

-Waking up to the sound of howler monkeys, and roosters, chickens, numerous other birds.

-If you're on Corn Island...Hog Dogs.

-Panga rides.

-Dropping the 'S', and sometimes other letters on the end of words. i.e...adio, porfa, buenas.

-Heavy loads carried on the head.

-Brightly coloured golf shirt business attire.

-Tricky Tracka, and the sound of them going off on any given day, at any given hour.

-Smiling faces looking at you from the bed of a truck, driving fast ahead and likely holding down a  load of plantains.

-3 a.m. parades.

-Pigs, chickens, cows, horses on the road at all herds.

-Late night card games by candlelight, and being spoiled by the insane amount of beauty all around.