I've been thinking about some of the things I'm starting to get used to after being in Nicaragua for a while. I decided to write them down before I forget that this is not really the norm where I come from. If you can think of anything I've forgotten, please leave it in the comments section below.
-Instant coffee.
-Ketchup and Mayonnaise in a bag.
-English sauce.
- The realization that salsa is sauce and Pico de Gallo is salsa.
-The world's strongest laundry soap.
-Floral scented poop tickets, you know what I''m talking about. I could do without these.
-Fake Oreos.
-Fried cheese that squeaks against your teeth.
-Milk in a box, from the shelf.
-Unrefrigerated eggs.
-Guava Jam in a bag.
-Pigs in sacs on a motorbike.
-Pelibueys on their backs in someones lap on a motorbike.
-Saying "Adios" as you pass someone on the street.
-Pink and white striped plastic bags used as luggage and for just about everything else.
-Sellers of bagged cotton candy that is attached to a wooden stick.
-Pink plastic bags used as rain boots.
-Plastic chairs, sore backs, and butt sweat.
-Walking, hiking, riding horseback in flip flops.
-Waking up to the sound of howler monkeys, and roosters, chickens, numerous other birds.
-If you're on Corn Island...Hog Dogs.
-Panga rides.
-Dropping the 'S', and sometimes other letters on the end of words. i.e...adio, porfa, buenas.
-Heavy loads carried on the head.
-Brightly coloured golf shirt business attire.
-Tricky Tracka, and the sound of them going off on any given day, at any given hour.
-Smiling faces looking at you from the bed of a truck, driving fast ahead and likely holding down a load of plantains.
-3 a.m. parades.
-Pigs, chickens, cows, horses on the road at all times...in herds.
-Late night card games by candlelight, and being spoiled by the insane amount of beauty all around.