Friday, November 25, 2016

Experiencing The Unknown: Hurricane Otto

 A few days ago we got some news, some slightly alarming news. We were about to experience a very rare event. A late rainy season hurricane had formed and was heading for the coasts of Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. As the storm approached it grew larger and more threatening. Unsure of what to expect we stocked up on supplies, prepared important items, and readied ourselves for what was to come. We had to be ready to possibly stay in and wait it out or move quickly in case of evacuation. 
As the storm grew closer we were happy to hear it had been downgraded to a tropical storm but still potentially damaging. We picked up some friends from low lying areas and headed to higher ground to wait it out. As we waited and texted our anxious families back home reports started to come in about a 7.5 magnitude earthquake that had occurred on the western side of El Salvador being felt in areas of Nicaragua. Tropical storm from the east, earthquake from the west. Within moments we were given warning that a tsunami was due to hit the west coast within 30 min. 
Tropical storm, earthquake, tsunami.
We were already in high ground so we opted to stay and hope for the best. I am not an un anxious person but there comes a time when anxiety becomes moot.We had prepared the best we could. Panicking, worry, or running amuck was not going to save anyone so we sat around the patio, listened to music, and cracked morbid jokes.
In the end the storm did minimal damage in Nicaragua and the tsunami passed us by.

                                    Repairs taking place on the beach in San Juan Del Sur.

Damage on the beach in San Juan Del Sur. 

While we were happy to escape tragedy this time we are deeply saddened by the loss of life in Panama and Costa Rica.


  1. Hi Leigh, i just got caught up on ur brother's blog & saw ur link. How exciting!

    My family happened to be in Nica for that too. For us, it was a 2nd act though, as a week before we left Florida to come ur way, we were hunkered down at our Kingdom Hall as hurricane Matthew went by! In fact, the morning of the storm we had the closing on selling our house. 2016 will certainly be a year to remember!

    It's so encouraging to read ur simplifying & moving experiences, it's helping get us recentered too. Maybe we will get to meet u one day.

  2. It was quite an experience! Perhaps we will meet on the road one day :)
